Pawsitive Trendz Performance Sports
Canine Fitness
What is Canine Fitness and why is it important?
Fitness for canines is important from our Highly athletic and competitive dogs , our senior dogs and our puppies. Being properly conditioned for dog sports can decrease the risk of injury, increase performance and help your dog be at their best. For our seniors, it can help them stay mobile longer and give them purpose. Keep them active and happy spending time with their owner. And for our puppies, its where it all begins learning how to use their body.
Why work with a Certified Professional Canine Fitness trainer?
Our role is to compliment veterinary care and act as a resource to improve Quality of life of dogs. and to educate the public so they can recognize early indications of areas of concern and follow up with their veterinarian or other professional care provider.
What are the benefits of working with a CPCFT?
We will focus on your dogs needs and goals. Focusing on Strength, Flexibility, Balance, Proprioception, Endurance and more.
Decrease risk of injury
Education on proper warm up and cool downs for your dog.
Tailored plans to benefit your dogs needs